Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Importance of Venting Bathroom/Kitchen Fans

From the Seattle Times:

The purpose of the bathroom fan is to ventilate the moisture normally generated by bathing or showering. When moisture is directed to a cool, closed attic, it will condensate back to a liquid and soak the wood framing and insulating materials. Mold and decay is a major concern in damp attics.

Normally, the bathroom vent fan is located near an outside wall of the home where the bottom of the roof system is closer to the attic floor. The fan will direct all the moisture to one spot on the roof's sheathing where a dark stain of decay or mold is often found. When an attic has loose-fill insulation, the airflow from the fan will create a void in the insulation, leaving a bare spot on the attic side of the bathroom ceiling. The non-insulated spot is now cooler than the remainder of the ceiling, and condensation naturally forms in the cooler areas. An unvented fan can cause as much damage as an unattended roof leak.

The kitchen fan is intended to remove odors and moisture from the kitchen, and it also needs to be vented to the exterior of the home. In modern homes, the kitchen vent fan is located in a hood above the gas or electric range. Over the years, grease and oils will accumulate inside the fan hood, which becomes a major fire hazard. If the fan is vented to the attic, a cooking fire can soon spread to the entire attic through the vent for the hood.

A range fan must vent through approved metal pipe all the way to the exterior of the home. Whether vertical through the roof or horizontal through a wall or foundation, the range fan must vent to the outside.

- Dwight Barnett is a certified master inspector with the American Society of Home Inspectors. View more of his articles at the Seattle Times.

If your home is not vented and you would like to know how the lack of proper ventilation has effected your home's air quality... Turtle Clan Environment Testing follows the IAQA, IESO, AMIAQ Council and AIHA recommendations for testing indoor environments with mold contamination.

Their Level I Environment Site Investigation provides standardized procedures to be used in the evaluation and characterization of suspected mold colonization.

These activities include:

-Non-invasive preliminary site investigation
-Temperature and humidity analysis
-Identify visible and accessible conditions
-Recommendations for further evaluation/action

Level II Environment Site Analysis involves Level I investigation plus a visual, non-invasive inspection of the residential structure with sample collection and data interpretation to rule out sources of moisture and/or mold contamination.

These activities include:

-Sampling suspected areas of mold colonization
-Interpretation of the laboratory analysis
-Present reports supported by analytical data
-Mold assessment for real estate transactions and insurance investigations

This tells you how much mold have and what kind it is. We take samples either by swabs, tape, or bulk to identify surface mold and air samples. How much is in the air? Are you breathing it? Since mold is naturally occurring everywhere in nature, all homes and businesses have some mold. An outside air sample is used as a base for comparison.

For comprehensive, cost-effective answers contact us today at 914-361-9703 or

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mold and House Damage

Mold damages your home as it grows. When mold starts to reproduce inside a home, it can eat away at the structure.

Clean it up as soon as possible.

In small areas you can do it yourself:

1. Wear goggles, gloves, and breathing protection while working in the area. For large consolidated areas of mold growth, you should wear an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved particle mask.

2. Seal off area from the rest of your home. Cover heat registers or ventilation ducts/grills. Open a window before you start to clean up.

3. Remove all your furnishings to a mold-free area. Clean the surrounding moldy area then follow cleaning directions below for the items you removed and the new space.

4. Bag all moldy materials and tie off the top of the bag. Bring them outdoors and place in your garbage container right away.

5. Wash surfaces.

5a. First, wash with a mild detergent solution, such as laundry detergent and warm water. Allow to dry.

5b. Then wipe with a solution of 1/4 cup bleach to one gallon of water. Wait 20 minutes and repeat. Wait another 20 minutes.

5c. Last, apply a borate-based detergent solution and don't rinse. This will help prevent mold from growing again. A borate-based laundry or dish washer detergent has "borate" listed on the ingredients label.

5d. Give the entire area a good cleaning, vacuum floors, and wash any exposed bedding or clothing.

If you have a lot of mold damage (more then ten square feet) consider hiring an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Mold Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment. Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Phone: 914-361-9703

Monday, December 14, 2009

To prevent Mold growth in the Winter months keep your humidity in check

With Winter officially here in the Northeast, we're all cranking the heat to stay warm. The problem is indoor heat sources- oil burners, electric heaters, wood stoves - dry out the air we breathe, so we end up with dry skin, chapped lips, a sore throat, and/or a dry cough.

Many turn to humidifiers, which add moisture back into the air, but in the process of adding humidity are opening the door to a condition much worse than dry skin... allergens.

You don't want the humidity to go above 50 percent, since that will encourage the growth of mold spores, bacteria, and dust mites.

When running a humidifier, be sure to use a hygrometer. This simple device measures how much humidity is in the air. A humidity of 35 to 45 percent is optimal.

"If there were just two simple things I could do to really fix a building, it would be to change the relative humidity and any water incursion" said Matthew Snow, CIEC, CMRS, CRMI, RMS, CBST Building Scientist and Executive Vice President of Turtle Clan Environment Testing, Inc.

Dr. Snow added: "Controlling excess moisture is the key to preventing and stopping indoor mold growth. Keeping susceptible areas in the home clean and dry is very important. Lowering the humidity in the home also helps prevent condensation problems. Proper exterior wall insulation helps prevent condensation inside the home during cold weather that could cause mold growth."

Turtle Clan follows the IAQA, IESO, AMIAQ Council and AIHA recommendations for the assessment of indoor environments for mold contamination. It is important to use a firm that is certified in and follow these protocols to insure project is completed successfully.

Visit the Turtle Clan website for information on testing and removal of toxic mold from your home or business.

If you have air pollution concerns, Turtle Clan has customized air pollution purifiers and filters that have proven again and again to be the most effective on the market.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mold for the Holidays

Holiday Allergies - Health News from WSOC TV

As the winter holiday season approaches, people tend to spend more time indoors. Often, the sniffles, sneezing and tearing eyes are attributed to colds and respiratory infections. Clifford Bassett, M.D., Allergist with NYU School of Medicine in New York City, says, in some cases, allergies may be the real cause of the symptoms.

An allergy is an inappropriate reaction to a normally harmless substance (called an allergen).

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology estimates as many as 40 to 50 million Americans have allergies. Some of the most common causes of indoor allergies are dust, mold, animal dander and cockroach droppings.

The level of indoor allergens may increase as displays of holiday decorations go up. A live tree or greens may contain mold, pollen or chemical residues from the grower. Some people are allergic to the tree sap. Artificial trees and greens aren’t necessarily better because they often are laden with dust particles. No matter whether you have a live or artificial tree, the ornaments, themselves, can also be dust collectors.

Live trees can harbor mold that releases spores into the air. If you are able, wash the tree and let it dry before bringing it indoors. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America also recommends using a very mild bleach solution (one part bleach to 20 parts warm water) to rinse the trunk and kill off any mold growth. Mold thrives in dampness. If humidity levels are high inside the home, consider using a dehumidifier to keep mold growth down.

Read full article

Concerns relating to the presence of mold in the home or dwelling requires an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Mold Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment. Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are We Eating Mold?

Mycotoxins in Food Are an Underrated Worldwide Health Problem

In a recent article entitled "Mycotoxins and human disease: a largely ignored global health issue", authors Christopher Wild and Yun Yun Gong go on to explain how Mycotoxins are a diverse group of toxic chemicals produced by molds (fungi) and how almost any foodstuff can become contaminated with molds and mycotoxins.

Mycotoxins from many different kinds of mold can have adverse health effects. Aflatoxins are very toxic mycotoxins produced by some Aspergillus species.

Corn and peanuts are the crops most often affected by Aflatoxins.

Eating Aflatoxin contaminated food can increase risk of lung and liver cancer.

Aflatoxins can also suppress the immune system and increase risk of infections.

Aflatoxins can also cross the placental barrier and enter the blood stream of unborn children.

Some Aspergillus also produces a Mycotoxin called Sterigmatocystin that can suppress the immune system and may increase cancer risk.

Fumonisins are a family of mycotoxins produced by certain Fusarium species. Fusarium commonly grows on cereals like corn and also on many fruits and vegetables.

Fumonisins increase the risk of several forms of cancer and also increase the risk of neural tube defects (such as spina bifida) when unborn children are exposed.

To reduce your exposure to molds and mycotoxins in food,REFUSE to buy or throw out any food with visible mold growth. Store fruits and vegetables carefully in the refrigerator. Limit consumption of peanuts, corn products and these crops are often contaminated with mycotoxins.

Do you see mold on your walls or ceilings?

Turtle Clan follows the IAQA, IESO, AMIAQ Council and AIHA recommendations for the assessment of indoor environments for mold contamination.

First we find the cause.

Next we test to see how much mold do you have and what kind it is.

Turtle Clan provides 3rd party testing services. While we provide remediation and abatement services for large scale nuclear and toxic as well, we assure you we do NOT test our own work. That would be a huge conflict of interest, so make sure when interviewing companies, you ask them about their policy with regards to this. You can be assured that our goal is to provide you with sound, unbiased test results ONLY. Your health and safety is our main concern.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mold Could Cost Maine Town $20,000

Mold a problem at future library site
Growth considerably worse than noted at time of purchase

November 26, 2009

SOUTH BERWICK, Maine — A significant presence of surface mold has been found in the basement of the former St. Michael's Church on Young Street, future home of the South Berwick Library. Its removal could cost the town an estimated $20,000.

Town Manager John Schempf and several town councilors recently toured the building to look at the extent of the problem. When it was purchased in 2008, the town was aware of the existence of mold due to poor property drainage, but officials didn't anticipate the problem growing as fast as it has since the initial discovery, Schempf said.

"We knew the building had a moisture problem," Schempf said. "(The problem) has gotten much worse, much quicker than anyone expected."

On Nov. 20, Schempf led the councilors and several South Berwick residents to the basement to view the mold, which is concentrated on the walls, cabinets and ceiling tiles.


It takes only 60% relative humidity to have a very significant mold colonization inside your home within 24-48 hours.

Common sources of indoor moisture that can cause mold problems include flooding, roof and plumbing leaks, damp basement or crawl spaces, or anywhere moist air condenses on cold surfaces.

Concerns relating to the presence of mold in the home or dwelling requires an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Mold Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment. Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Mold Fact

Mold requires moisture to grow.

It takes only 60% relative humidity to have a very significant mold colonization inside your home within 24-48 hours.

Turtle Clan's Dr. Matthew Snow offers the following advice for home owners' on making their Indoor Environment Healthier:

Keep the HVAC system clean. Use an air filter that kills particulates instead of just trapping them.

Keep roof drainage at least 6 feet away from foundation

Maintain all plumbing and fixtures in good working order. In high humidity areas, wrapping pipes with insulation will prevent excessive water dripping.

Have the HVAC system and ductwork inspected and/ or cleaned yearly by an ASHRAE or NADCA Certified Contractor. These should also be wrapped in insulation in high humidity areas.

Make cerain there is proper roof ventilation.

Make certain all kitchen and especially bathroom exhaust ventilation is vented to the outside. NOT the attic!!

Concerns relating to the presence of mold in the home or dwelling requires an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Mold Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment. Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mold...The Toxic Top Five

What are the 5 MOST TOXIC TYPES of MOLD?

Stachybotrys is the bad boy of them all.

There are some species in the Aspergillus family that are just as toxic as Stachybotrys such as Aspergillus Versicolor and Aspergillus Fumigatus.
The toxins produced can cause diarrhea and upset stomach. It is reported to be a kidney and liver carcinogen.

Aspergillus Fumigatus is one of the most ubiquitous of the airborne saprophytic fungi. Humans and animals constantly inhale numerous conidia of this fungus. However, there has been a dramatic increase in severe and usually fatal invasive aspergillosis, now the most common mold infection worldwide.

But when people talk about toxic black mold, Stachy is the one they're talking about.

Both of these types of mold are ubiquitous in the environment. Aspergillus tends to colonize continuously damp materials such as damp wallboard and fabrics. Penicillium is commonly found in house dust, wallpaper, decaying fabrics, moist clipboards, etc.

Unlike most other mold pathogens, there is medical evidence to suggest that people who are exposed to Chaetomium may be predisposed to permanent neurological damage of the myelin sheath. Therefore, a noticeably high incidence of autoimmune diseases have been linked to exposure of this mold such as Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, etc. It has also been linked to certain forms of Cancer.

On a scale of worst to more mild in effects on human health, contrary to what many believe; Chaetomium would be second or possibly third to Aspergillus only to Stachybotrys.

Ascospores are prominent in nature commonly found in the outdoor environment. Some fungi that belong to the Ascomycete family include the sexual forms of Penicillium/Aspergillus, Chaetominum, etc that may be frequently found growing on damp substrates.

Fusarium is a hydrophilic mold that requires very wet conditions and is frequently isolated from plants and grains. They colonize in continuously damp materials such as damp wallboard and water reservoirs for humidifiers and drip pans.

People who have trauma to the eye, certain eye diseases and problems with their immune system may be at increased risk for these types of infection.

Symptoms of exposure to mycotoxins include coughing, wheezing, runny nose, irritated eyes or throat, skin rash and diarrhea.

Concerns relating to the presence of mold in the home or dwelling requires an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Mold Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment. Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Damp Buildings and Mold

Since every home's indoor air is filled with a ‘stew' of sorts, molds, air pathogens, volatile organic compounds, dust mites; it is impossible to view it as a one size fits all. There are simply too many variables.

But the one thing they all seem to have in common is Water.

Wet. Moisture. Damp. Humid.

"If there were just two simple things I could do to really fix a building, it would be to change the relative humidity and any water incursion" said Matthew Snow, CIEC, CMRS, CRMI, RMS, CBST Building Scientist and Executive Vice President of Turtle Clan Environment Testing, Inc.

"Seeking out and repairing the source is key. Moisture leads to conditions that are conducive to dust mites and mold, as well as bacteria, yeast and many other living organisms."

Snow pointed to dust mites and mold as particularly worrisome.

A damp building with high humidity may lead to increased levels of dust mites and mold, leading to increased allergic respiratory symptoms, as well as the worsening of Asthma.

It is a vicious cycle!

"And even if someone is not allergic, molds may produce mycotoxins and microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) that smell bad and may cause respiratory irritation," he said.

Nearly half of all young people with asthma are allergic to dust mites; aproximately 10 percent of the population is allergic to dust mites.

Mold requires moisture to grow.

It takes only 60% relative humidity to have a very significant mold colonization inside your home within 24-48 hours.

Common sources of indoor moisture that can cause mold problems include flooding, roof and plumbing leaks, damp basement or crawl spaces, or anywhere moist air condenses on cold surfaces. Bathroom showers and steam from cooking might also create problems if not well ventilated.

How Do I Control Moisture?

Indoor Sources:

Fix plumbing leaks, drips or "sweating" pipes
Limit sources of indoor humidity/dehumidify indoor air
Improve air movement in poorly ventilated areas
Increase fresh air ventilation when outdoor air is not humid
Warm cold surfaces where condensation occurs
Outdoor Sources:

Maintain roof and gutter/downspout system.
Direct runoff away from foundation by grading, drain tile, landscaping, etc.
Use air conditioning and keep building closed during high outdoor humidity
Prevent leakage around windows, doors, flashing, etc.
Waterproof foundations

Concerns relating to the presence of mold in the home or dwelling requires an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Mold Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment. Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Phone: 914-361-9703

Removing Mold with Dry Ice Blasting

The claims are: "Dry ice blasting completely removes spores from the wood in less time, and with less effort."

It certainly sounds good...

"The process is non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-abrasive and non-conductive – using thermal shock to clean in most applications. However, it uses kinetic energy when blasting on wood. As the dry ice (-78.5 C) blasts against the mold infested wood, it removes the top 1/16 inch of wood, and the mold along with it."

"Dry Ice blasting’s ability to clean mold-infested surfaces thoroughly and efficiently is becoming the method of choice for mold remediator around the county – equipment costs being mitigated with the increased amount of mold remediation projects a firm can perform."

Two weeks ago Turtle Clan performed an air quality test on my house and there is a significant mold issue present, especially in the basement. I'm in the process of researching mold remediation options and just came across Dry Ice Blasting. I'll let you all know if I decide to go that route.

If you believe you have a mold, radon, or general air quality problem call Turtle Clan. It is essential to choose a reputable, certified and trustworthy environmental inspector. Turtle Clan is an Independent 3rd Party Certified Mold Inspector. They adhere to the IESO, EPA, OSHA, IAQA, AMIAQ Council and AIHA recommendations.

Office Phone (860) 364-4694

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Indoor Air Quality

Air quality is a key factor in the greening of the home. Newer homes are more air tight than houses built even 20 years ago, according to the EPA, which is good for heating and cooling purposes, but really bad for indoor air quality. In fact, the EPA estimates that indoor air quality is up to 10 times worse than out door air quality on the smoggiest day.

Considering Americans spend 90% of their lives indoors, it's clear why this is a key issue in designing healthy spaces. Additionally, air quality is not a stand-alone issue; rather, every other component of the home can have an impact on overall air quality.

Air quality can be compromised by off-gassing from cabinetry, countertops, flooring, wall coverings or fabrics; by cooking by-products released into the air, or by MOLD caused by excess moisture or poor ventilation

Proper ventilation is critical, but air quality can be tricky. Just as too little ventilation can lead to compromised air quality, if too powerful a fan is installed in a forced-air HVAC system, volatile organic compounds can be drawn out of furniture, fabrics, carpets and cabinetry.

While air quality is a big-picture issue impacting healthy design, every component of the home can have a positive or negative impact on how healthy or green a space is.

Concerns relating to the air quality in your home or dwelling requires an independent, 3rd Party, Certified Residential Air Quality Inspector to conduct a thorough site assessment.

Turtle Clan will take the necessary and appropriate actions to assure proper IESO, IAQA, ACGIH, IICRC, ISO, NADCA, ASHRAE, OSHA, EPA, AIHA and all State and local governmental protocol is followed in all investigations.

Contact us for additional information:

Phone: 914-361-9703

Read more about Air Quality and Air Quality Solutions at our website.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is Mold Testing Really Necessary?

I've visited several conversations on Active Rain and various other sites where people are saying mold and mold testing is a bunch of hoo-ha.

Well I have to admit, a long time ago I used to think and say the same thing!

That is, until someone I loved went through it. When you see someone suffering from the effects of mold contamination, you turn into a believer!

That's when I started believing the link between the environment and our health and understanding from a scientific perspective that mold contamination really is a really big deal for some people.

Testing is the ONLY way to see if the mold is toxic or not which will tell you who's hands need to clean it up..If it's non-toxic, some elbow grease and Murphy's Soap are a wonderful solution, much more effective than bleach. If it's toxic, then it is considered a HAZMAT MATERIAL and needs to be professionally remediated

This is where the hoo-ha comes in because of all the variables form person to person, home to home...everyone experiences mold differently. If someone is particularly sensitive, or immune compromised, very young or old, these people are more susceptible to mold contamination than others.

So often, doctors will prescribe pharmaceuticals for the symptoms of mold contamination. Doesn't it make more sense to just get rid of the contamination by cleaning up the mold?

I have seen first hand literally hundreds of peoples lives changed for the better once the mold in their homes was identified and cleaned properly. They were then able to take the test results to their physician to see if their blood was contaminated.

Mold testing will also insure the client has the proper information to effectively stop the water-moisture-humidity source and clean up infection. If the source of moisture is not identified and repaired, cleaning it up is an exercise in futility! It will keep returning again and again.

If a remediation company says they don't need to test first, it's because they don't want to be put on a leash. How will they know if it is toxic mold or not with out testing? How can they see what's in the air?

If they don't have the SCOPE OF WORK to follow, they will proceed as if it were a Condition 3 risk ( worst case scenario)and charge client much more than need be.

... Plus scaring them half to death! The numbers arm the client with information that protects them from getting ripped off. We had a client tell us that before having their home tested, a remediation company came to her home she had just purchased and quoted her $100,000 to clean up the mold.

After testing it, she realized she only needed her basement cleaned and did the entire project for $2,500.

Now you tell me what you think! Is mold testing necessary??

Turtle Clan follows the IAQA, IESO, AMIAQ Council and AIHA recommendations for the assessment of indoor environments for mold contamination. It is important to use a firm that is certified in and follow these protocols to insure project is completed successfully.

Contact us for additional information:

Phone: 914-361-9703

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Questions and Answers about Mold


Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Why are we concerned about mold?

Small amounts of mold growth in workplaces or homes (such as mildew on a shower curtain) or workplaces are not a major concern, but no mold should be permitted to grow and multiply indoors. When molds are present in large quantities, they may cause nuisance odors and health problems for some people. Mold can damage building materials, finishes and home furnishings. Some molds can cause structural damage to wood.

Question: How do molds affect people?

Most people will have no reaction at all when exposed to molds. Allergic reactions, similar to common pollen or animal allergies, are the most common health effects for individuals sensitive to molds. Flu-like symptoms and skin rash may occur. Molds may also aggravate asthma. Fungal infections from building-associated molds may occur in people with serious immune disease but this is very rare. Most toxic mold symptoms are temporary and eliminated by correcting the mold problem in the home.

Question: Who is affected by exposure to mold?

For those who are affected by mold exposure, there can be a wide variation in how they react. People who may be affected more severely and quickly than others include:

Infants and children
Elderly people
Pregnant women
Individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies and asthma
Persons with weakened immune systems (for example, people with HIV infection, chemotherapy patients, or organ or bone marrow transplant recipients, autoimmune diseases.)

Those with special health concerns should consult their doctor if they are concerned about mold exposure. The symptoms that may seem to occur from mold exposure can also be due to other causes such as bacterial or viral infections, or other allergies.

Question: What is mold?

Molds are forms of fungi that are found everywhere- both indoors and outdoors all year round. Outdoors, molds live in the soil, on plants and on dead or decaying matter. Another common term for mold is mildew. Mold growth is encouraged by warm and humid conditions, although it can grow during cold weather also. There are many thousands of species of mold and they can be in any color, including white, orange, green, brown, or black. Many times, mold can be detected by a musty odor. Most fungi, including molds, produce microscopic cells called "spores" that spread easily through the air. Live spores act like seeds, forming new mold growths (colonies) when they find the right conditions. All of us are exposed to fungal spores daily in the air we breathe, both outside and inside.

Question: How does mold get into a house or building?

Most, if not all, of the mold found indoors, comes from outdoor sources. It seems likely to grow and become a problem only where there is water damage, high humidity, or dampness. All molds need moisture to grow. Common sources of indoor moisture that can cause mold problems include flooding, roof and plumbing leaks, damp basement or crawl spaces, or anywhere moist air condenses on cold surfaces. Bathroom showers and steam from cooking might also create problems if not well ventilated.

Question: How can I prevent mold growth?

Controlling excess moisture is the key to preventing and stopping indoor mold growth. Keeping susceptible areas in the home clean and dry is very important. Ventilate or use exhaust fans (to the outdoors) to remove moisture where it accumulates: bathrooms; kitchens; and laundry areas. Be sure the clothes dryer vents to outside the house. Repair water leaks promptly, and either dry out and clean or replace any water-damaged materials. Materials that stay wet for longer than 48 hours are likely to produce mold growth. Lowering the humidity in the home also helps prevent condensation problems. To lower humidity during humid weather, air conditioners and dehumidifiers may be used. Proper exterior wall insulation helps prevent condensation inside the home during cold weather that could cause mold growth.

Question: Can mold be toxic?

Some molds can produce toxic substances called mycotoxins. Airborne mycotoxins have not been shown to cause health problems to occupants in residential or commercial buildings. The health effects of breathing mycotoxins are not well understood and are currently under study.

High or chronic airborne exposures, typically associated with certain occupations like agricultural work, have been associated with illnesses, although these are rare. More is known about eating mycotoxins (from humans and animals consuming moldy foods or feed) and the resulting health effects than is known about breathing mycotoxins.

Question: What is "black mold"?

The news media often refer to "black mold" or "toxic black mold." It has usually been associated with the mold Stachybotrys Chartarum, a type of greenish-black mold commonly associated with heavy water damage. However, mold is a chameleon and will turn the color of its food source.

Known health effects are similar to other common molds. It has been inconclusively associated with more severe health effects in some people. While there are only a few molds that are truly black, many can appear black. Not all mold that appears to be black is Stachybotrys.

Question: What should I do if I see or smell mold in my home?

The most important step in solving a mold problem is to identify and fix the moisture sources that caused the mold growth. For small mold problems, use detergent and water to wash mold off hard surfaces and dry completely. Porous or absorbent materials (such as ceiling tiles, wallboard and carpeting) that become moldy should be replaced. If you do not see mold growth, but notice a musty odor, mold may be growing behind water-damaged materials, such as walls, carpeting or wallpaper. Persons cleaning mold should wear gloves, eye protection and a dust mask or respirator to protect against breathing airborne spores (an N95 dust mask or respirator may be purchased in hardware stores). If you have health concerns, you should consult your doctor before doing any mold cleanup.

Question: What are Possible Sources of Excessive Moisture?


Cooking and dishwashing
Plumbing leaks
House plants
Firewood storage indoors
Unvented clothes dryer/indoor clothes line
Improper venting of combustion appliances


Rain or snow melt
Seasonal high humidity
Ground moisture
Wet building materials

Question: How Do I Control Moisture?

Indoor Sources:

Fix plumbing leaks, drips or "sweating" pipes
Limit sources of indoor humidity/dehumidify indoor air
Improve air movement in poorly ventilated areas
Increase fresh air ventilation when outdoor air is not humid
Warm cold surfaces where condensation occurs

Outdoor Sources:

Maintain roof and gutter/downspout system.
Direct runoff away from foundation by grading, drain tile, landscaping, etc.
Use air conditioning and keep building closed during high outdoor humidity
Prevent leakage around windows, doors, flashing, etc.
Waterproof foundations

Question: How Do I Control & Eliminate Mold Growth

Controlling mold exposure requires strategies that address removal of mold contaminants as well as the source of moisture that sustains the mold growth. The following steps should be taken to eliminate the presence of indoor molds:

Identify moisture source and correct the problem (see lists of possible moisture sources and control above). *Keep in mind that molds may be hidden.

A moldy smell with or without visual confirmation is indicative of a mold problem, particularly if accompanied by health problems. Mold may be hidden on the backside of dry wall, wallpaper or paneling, the top side of ceiling tiles, the underside of carpets or pads, etc.

Investigation of hidden mold should be undertaken with caution as disturbing some sites with extensive mold growth may result in a massive release of spores (e.g. removal of wallpaper).

Consider hiring an experienced professional if hidden mold is suspected. Once the moisture problem has been addressed, which addresses the future growth of molds, removal of the existing mold contamination can begin.

Molds can be toxic; personal protective equipment should be used to avoid excessive mold exposure during the clean-up process.

The following personal protection products/procedures are recommended:

Respiratory protection (N-95 or TC-21C dust mask)
Rubber gloves
Washable or disposable clothing
Ventilate area well when using bleach
Establish containment around the work area for large or heavily contaminated areas to minimize spread of spores

Remove mold by cleaning and disposal *Do not paint or caulk over mold.

a. Paint applied over moldy surfaces is likely to peel.
b. Porous materials should be removed, bagged and discarded.
c. Non-porous materials may be cleaned with non-ammonia detergent and scrubbing.
d. Disinfect using household detergent.

Dry thoroughly - keep in mind wet building materials take time to dry out completely. Fans and de-humidifiers may speed the process. The use of a moisture meter to monitor the moisture content of the material may be helpful.

Turtle Clan follows the IAQA, IESO, AMIAQ Council and AIHA recommendations for the assessment of indoor environments for mold contamination. It is important to use a firm that is certified in and follow these protocols to insure project is completed successfully.

Contact us for additional information:

Phone: 914-361-9703

Toxic Mold Syndrome

Symptoms of Toxic Mold Syndrome

The symptoms of Toxic Mold Syndrome are varied and can mimic other problems.

Doctors are often baffled by patients' symptoms that do not seem connected yet begin appearing around the same time. Patients with a combination of any of the following symptoms should ask their doctor whether they might have Toxic Mold Syndrome:

Unusual memory loss
Anxiety that appears for no reason and has never been a problem before
Sudden onset of mental health problems such as personality disorder
Nosebleeds in a person who is not prone to them
Breathing difficulties
Pain in the abdomen
Unexplained hair loss
Unexplained tiredness
Numbness in hands and feet
Unusual headaches
Mood instability
Pain in arms, legs, hands, or feet
Unexplained cough
Frequent sore throat
Frequent sinus problems
Bleeding from the rectum
Unexplained aches and pains throughout the body
Treatment for Toxic Mold Syndrome

The best way to eliminate or reduce the symptoms of Toxic Mold Syndrome is to get away from the mold.

If the problem is in an individual's home he will have to contact a specialist to have it removed. If the problem is beyond fixing he may have to move.

If the problem is in the workplace an employee needs to speak with their employer about remedying it, and if that does not work she should call her local health department and make them aware of the unresolved issue.

There are today only a few doctors who have discovered and repeatedly watched people suffering from Sick Building Syndrome who have made some pretty solid evidential ties between mold exposure and severe illness, even potential death!

There is a lot of money being spent right now from big companies that don't want us to know this.

While the CDC and most local medical communities are basically telling the public that mold really only effects those with sensitivities to it or those with allergies and poor immune systems, and that the symptoms are primarily congestion and typical allergic reactions, there is a lot they ignore in making these claims.

Visit our website for information on testing and removal of toxic mold from your home or business.